= ikaazuhari.blogspot.com: you lazy , you lost Img:hover { -moz-transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); -moz-transition: 0.5s; -webkit-transition: 0.5s;}

you lazy , you lost

ehemm . hari yang baik . pss ! malam nie ada bola . jyeahhh . kelantan lawan atm . ahakss ! tapi kan entri kali nie bukan nak cerita pasal bola pun . apa2 pun even tak cerita . red warrior tetap di hati okayy ^.^
dan yaa . harini rasa nya sangat teruk yee sebab sangat2 lapar . wuuu . seksa nya hidup bila lambat makan . nasib tak sakit . hmm . bila pegi kedai makan , amek kau , banyak order . makan kejap je sebab lapar tapi lepak kat kedai je yang lama . bila bunyi guruh , baru bangun dari kerusi pegi bayar . kot2 hujan , naye lah kann . dah la balik kolej semalam pun time hujan . abis basah baju eden . seksi yaww . HAHAHA :P
okayy , actually tade benda nak update pun , cuma nak copy paste benda nie je sebab I know ramai je kaum hawa yang drive kete kann . actually , benda macam gini memang penah jadi dekat orang2 sekeliling la sebab tu I take serius . saja nak share . mengelak lebih baik kann

Most of the cases we've seen being reported in the media and social networks these days regarding the 'Smash & Grab' activities in the city have everyone on edge and living in fear. However, after going through numerous accounts - we at VenusBuzz.com realise that many of the incidents could have been avoided if a few precautionary measures were taken by the victims.

First of all, we're going to equip you with a phrase that you should have at the top of your head at all time in these dangerous times:

1. The next time you think, "Aiyah, lazy lah to hide my handbag..it's just 5 minutes away"  - think if you're going to be OK with losing your handphone, your wallet, your credit cards, all your money, your broken car window, and other damages just because you were too lazy to hide your bag properly. You lazy, you lose. If you're not willing to lose the goods, take those extra 5 minutes to keep everything in check.
Try putting your (driver) seatbelt through your handbag handles so that your bag rests under your arm. This will make it slightly more difficult for the robbers to make a quicker escape.
These days, we have even opted to occasionally keeping our handbags in the boot along with our laptop bags just as an extra precautionary step. Just make sure to have your phone and wallet with you in the car, and keep them well hidden.

2. Always be aware of what's going on around you - leaving your house, while driving, at the traffic light, when you get out of the car. Take note of the people around you, of motorcyclists who pass by and are looking in to the car. When you're at the traffic light, keep looking at your rearview mirror for suspicious looking people (especially those who have pillion riders, and are using full-covered reflective helmets that cover their face). Which brings us to point number 3.

3. Do not stop too close to the car in front of you at a traffic light, ensure that you leave a big enough space in between so that you have room to manoeuvre in the event someone tries to break your windows. Police have said that these perpetrators usually target the 3rd or 4th car in line as they are unable to escape.
Honk loudly and try to get as much attention as you can so other drivers are aware of what's happening.

4. Also, put your phone away. Your Twitter/Facebook/Instagram buddies can wait, what's important is your safety and that you arrive at your destination. Think about it; if your phone gets stolen, you'll have to wait even longer to update everybody...how can!?

5. So you notice a suspicious character following you, or making rude gestures and swearing at you from outside the car for no apparent reason  - what do you do? Do not slow down, do not stop! Never ever ever stop, especially if you're on your own or even with friends around - he may have more friends waiting to attack too. Whatever it is, take a route without traffic lights and stay on busy, bright roads.
Stay calm, but always have the perpetrator in view so you know if he's still following you. Drive straight to a police station, don't get out of the car - just honk loudly until you have people around you and aware of what's going on.

6. Never drive home if you're being followed! You'll be putting you and your family in jeopardy, and there is no possible way of escaping. If you have an automated gate, it will take too long to shut and by then the perpetrators could be at your neck with a parang already. What's even worse is that once they know what's available in your house and who the occupants are, they can always return with reinforcements.

7. It's important to equip yourself before a crime happensso that you are aware of the steps that you need to take - that extra 1 second could save your life. Save these numbers on your phone now, which go directly to the Police call response centre: Kuala Lumpur (03-2115 9999), Selangor (03-2052 9999), Bukit Aman (03-2031 9999) and download the MyDistress app. Don't bother downloading it only after you've been attacked, it would just be faster to call then as you'd need to register.

What we're trying to say is, do not be a victim of your own carelessness. Opportunists and criminals exist in all parts of the world, not just in Malaysia. It does pay to be a bit more alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Remember; you lazy, you lose!

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